At the Prima Equipment yard we have equipment to help you load your machine: Adjustable Loading Ramp Two Workshop Overhead Travelling cranes 10MT each EXW?: PREPARE YOUR CMR/CONSIGMENT NOTE EXW?: REQUEST EX-A IF REQUIRED Several Forklifts up to 12MT A Liebherr Towercane 420EC-H20, up to 20MT https://primaequipment.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/prima-liebherr-torenkraan-vanderspek-hardenberg.mp4
How to fill out a CMR (International Consignment Note)
The driver is obliged to present a transport document The responsibility for taking care of the CMR lies with the client of the transport; the sender/consigner. Usually the client/sender is not able, in the case of an EXW delivery, to get a CMR at the loading address. Then the carrier will have to do this […]